Rockefeller Capital Management Cybersecurity Privacy Banner


Digital innovation and its connectivity provide opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and flexibility. However, technology and threats advance in tandem. We aim to stay a step ahead by continuously evaluating our controls against the current threat landscape to safeguard your digital interactions, assets, and information.

How We Protect You

Our state-of-the-art security infrastructure includes advanced encryption capabilities to protect your data, multi-factor authentication, continuous threat monitoring, and training for colleagues.

Rockefeller Capital Management Security Privacy How to Protect You

How to Keep Yourself Safe

While we are committed to keeping your assets and information safe, we also want to equip you with best practices to further bolster your security. We encourage you to be alert to unknown senders, requests for sensitive information, suspicious websites, scams and impersonators.

Rockefeller Capital Management Cybersecurity and Privacy Keep Yourself Safe

Cyber Safety Tips

Everyday best practices can often be your best line of defense against cyber threats and bad actors. By adopting effective online habits, you can reduce the likelihood and mitigate the impacts of potential scams and fraud.

Online Accounts and Secure Communications

Enable multi-factor authentication.

Enable account alerts for changes to your profile, address, account access and money movement.

Ensure you maintain separate email accounts for work, personal, and other types of important communications.

Password Protection

Leverage password-less login methods, such as biometrics, one-time passwords (OTP), push notifications and more, to reduce the risk of weak or previously compromised passwords.

Maintain strong password practices including varied characters, special symbols, length of 10 or more characters.

Do not reuse them across applications or services, especially for accounts with sensitive information or functions.

Device Security

Ensure all devices have passwords by enabling lock screens or using biometrics where available.

Ensure you keep software and applications updated.

Be aware of privacy settings and application permissions.

Ensure you use Find My or another device locator application to manage lost devices and wipe information.

Staying Safe on the Go

Avoid using public charging stations.

Be aware of your social media and online sharing as bad actors will potentially use the information to try to manipulate or deceive you.

Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks since they often lack encryption.

At Home

Establish distinct networks at home - one for yourself and separate ones for guests.

Update your wireless network's default password, and activate your router's WPA2 encryption and firewall.

Choose the "Do not broadcast" option for your primary network's name (SSID) in your router software, and refrain from using default router names or passwords.

Stranger Danger (or Avoid Phishing and Scams)

Be cautious when interacting with communications from unknown senders (e.g., emails, texts, phone calls, physical mail etc.)

Never share sensitive information with unknown senders or unprompted requests.

Use other means of communication to validate suspicious requests from known or trusted senders.

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Investing involves risk, including risk of loss. Rockefeller Capital Management is  the marketing name of Rockefeller Capital Management L.P. and its affiliates. Investment  advisory, asset management and fiduciary activities are performed by the following affiliates  of Rockefeller Capital Management: Rockefeller & Co. LLC, Rockefeller Trust Company, N.A.,  The Rockefeller Trust Company (Delaware) and Rockefeller Financial LLC, as the case may be.  Rockefeller Financial LLC is a broker-dealer and investment adviser dually registered with the  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); Member Financial Industry Regulatory  Authority (FINRA), Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). These registrations and  memberships in no way imply that the SEC has endorsed the entities, products or services  discussed herein. Additional information is available upon request.